Youth Suppers

4-6 pm on last Sunday of the month with St. Luke's United, Tantallon


Marilyn Meade now has 2025 calendars available for  purchase. The cost is $10 each. To order one, please contact  her and she’ll bring them to any services she attends. Cash  payment can be made at that time or  
etransfer: External link opens in new tab or (autodeposit).
Note: Calendars will not be available from Donzella B-Allison.



Continuing Education Opportunity

Nurture your discipleship roots. Deepen your relationship to Christ. Energize your ministry.
In consultation with Maritime Anglicans and United Church denominational leaders, Atlantic School of Theology (AST) is producing a program to respond to this call to deeper Christian maturity.
+ Are you thinking about taking a Christian education course this autumn to energize your faith and inspire your ministry?
+ Do you want to increase interest and commitment in discipleship in your congregation?
AST is launching Atlantic School of Discipleship, beginning in October 2024, with teaching taking place online and in local communities.
Through interaction with AST’s world-class teachers, participants are introduced to a solid foundation of how Christian faith and tradition impact our daily walk as followers of Jesus. Faculty include two Anglican professors, one Roman Catholic, and four from the United Church. The program is open to adults with any education level.
Each month focuses on a different topic:
· The Old Testament for today
· The New Testament for today
· Christian beliefs and our daily living
· What is the church and what is my place in it?
· What does being a disciple of Jesus mean for me today?
· How do we truly care for one another in our community?
· Following Jesus, Living the Virtues
· Dealing with challenge and change as a community of disciples
· Talking about my faith with others
Each month participants receive readings and reflection questions designed to explore faith topics. Then they join in a live (via Zoom) presentation by an AST instructor on that month’s topic. A second online opportunity to interact with questions and conversation takes students deeper into understanding.
Time commitment: two Tuesday evenings a month for nine months, plus some reading time outside of those gatherings.
Additionally, there are four, one-day in-person regional events. Some of the cohort gatherings take place in New Glasgow, NS; Truro, NS, and Summerside, PE. As interest grows, other locations may be added.
Tuition for individual participants is $300. A group with 5 participants from the same parish is $1,000.
Anglican Scholarships are available. Any lay participant from the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island may apply for a $150 scholarship, in honour of Rev. Canon David Reid, to cover the cost of tuition. (Contact the Director of Mission and Ministry Development to request an application form. External link opens in new tab or )
Contact Atlantic School of Theology: External link opens in new tab or or 902-429-6495.

If this is a program you are interested in please contact Archdeacon Brieanna to determine if we have enough interest to form a cohort group.

Beyond Our Parish

For the first time in years the Mission to Seafarers closet is bare!

If you have men’s clothing size small, medium or large that you are able to donate it would be very much appreciated. Items can be dropped off at 3 Island view Drive or pick up can be arranged by emailing External link opens in new tab or

Souls Harbour Rescue Mission Drop In is low on toiletries.
They accept any and all kinds and sizes of the following:
Shampoo, Conditioner, Band-aids, Combs, Brushes, Toothpaste, Tooth
Brushes, Deodorant.
Please bring the items to the Sunday services and I will deliver them on Tuesdays.
Thank you for your kindness.
Louise Christie 902-225-0832 External link opens in new tab or

Men's walking group
Some men in our parish have started a weekly walking group in an effort to promote healthy living and a time of fellowship. Newcomers are welcome to join! Please contact Drew Bethune to be added to the contact list and find out where they are meeting each week.





The Diocesan Environment Network (DEN) is a network within the Mission, Outreach, Social Justice Task Group (MOST) of the Anglican Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
Mandate: To support Anglicans in living out the 5th Mark of Mission, “To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth”.

External link opens in new tab or windowclick here to read more.......


In many developing countries pills are dispensed either in your hand or wrapped in a scrap of paper — can you imagine how you’d feel if that happened on your next trip to the pharmacy?
Sherry Richardson has a contact who is collecting pill bottles for Doctors Without Borders. So, rather than feeling guilty when you throw your empty pill bottles in the recycling, just remove all the labels, give them a wash (to remove any residue from your medication), and drop them off at any of our churches.
Sherry will forward them on, so they get a second life.




A display celebrating St. George’s 100 years in the community has been created in the church hall, beginning with photos of the church under construction!
We’re asking parishioners to go through their albums for photos of events at the church over the last century, so we can create an entire wall of memories.
You can contact Bob for more info:
902-826-7850 or


Our congregation is responding to a great need in Boutilier’s Point.

We are asking for donations of pantry items as you are able.
Please bring these items to St. James church.


We are an active parish when it comes to outreach and fellowship, and food plays a big part in that. Provincial guidelines state that those who handle food for the public should take a certified food safety course every five years.
Efforts are underway to arrange such a course, sometime soon, but to host an in-parish course we need a minimum of twelve attendees. If you would be interested in attending, talk to John Reid for more information: 902-826-7850.



Servers needed

We are looking for people (young and old) who might be interested in taking on the role of Server at our Sunday Services .  This is a special ministry during our services as you assist the Priest and perform special liturgical duties throughout the service.  In particular we are in need of people to serve at the 9am services.  Training will be provided.  If you are interested in learning more about this ministry please contact Rev. Brieanna.


You are invited to join the Mothers’ Union members in their Prayer Partner Program.

Prayer Partners (PP) will be kept a secret throughout the year and will be revealed on or near Epiphany of the following year. During the year, PPs will send each other cards or notes on occasions such as birthdays, Christmas, Mothering Sunday etc. – always anonymously. If you are aware of something happening in your PP’s life, you might want to send them a quick note or card. Of course, the most important thing is to keep them in your prayers at all times. We have an Epiphany Party each year when we reveal our PPs to each other.
If you would like to participate in this program, please fill in the information below. If you know of someone who would appreciate being included, but may not come to church, please pass a form along to them. Forms may be passed into Debbie Boutilier (902-826-7747) or Linda Hills (902-826-2546) or you can email the information to
Prayer Partner information:
Name _____________________________________________
Mailing Address _____________________________________
Birthday ___________________________________________
Anniversary or other significant dates ____________________


Neighbourhood Soup Servants

A small group of parishioners and friends have been getting together to make soup and build a fellowship.
The soup is then delivered to neighbours who may be lonely, sick or experiencing other issues or just a welcome to newcomers. It is also a chance for a short visit or just a brief chat at the door.
We would now like to invite others who would like to be involved to join us, remembering that if there is somebody that you would like to help, there also needs to be someone to make the delivery and/or assist in the preparation which takes place on a Friday morning. This is a neighbourhood activity not restricted to parishioners.
Please contact Janet Champniss at 826-2251 or Mary Stone at 826-2847 to find out more.
Neighbourhood Soup Servants. The NSS project is being very well received and we continue to build our list of recipients. Thank you to all those who have given us support in one way or another. If you would like to help out but do not wish to participate in the soup making, we would love to have your help in delivering the soup to a recipient or two.
Please contact: Janet 902-826-2251 or Mary 902-826-2847.



What can you do with a Pop Can Tab (or tabs from other containers)? You can help purchase a Wheel Chair for a Veteran by bringing tabs to Saint George’s Church. Please put the tabs in the container Sherry Richardson has placed in the vestibule.


Do you want to make a difference? The work of our Parish Council is important to sustain the ministries of our churches and to meet the day to day commitments. You can take an active role in developing a strategy for our ongoing ministries and future growth.  Please chat/e-mail with Rev Brieanna if you would like to be a part of the team working together for God’s mission. Rev Brieanna:;

The Lions Club is happy to accept donations of used eye glasses and hearing aids. Please bring them along to church to be collected later, it would be greatly appreciated. SMB Lions Club have the following equipment available for loan, free of charge, to members of the community: Chair Lifts, Wheelchairs, Hospital Beds, Walkers, Crutches, Canes, Bath/Shower chair accessories. Anyone requiring any of this equipment should contact: Lion Leonard Bugbee (902-823-3001) or Lion Brecken Hills (902-826-2546).

Anyone interested in baptism preparation classes is invited to contact Janet at or 902-826-2251.

Anyone wishing to be a reader and/or greeter is asked to contact Janet at or 902-826-2251

PWRDF is active in 26 countries, with 59 partners drawn from Anglican churches, ecumenical organizations, and community-based groups. PWRDF supports people-centered development that improves the quality of daily life for vulnerable populations, promotes self-reliance, and addresses root causes of poverty and injustice. Their work is bound together in three strategic themes: Weaving a Culture of Peace with Justice, building a Moral Economy and Accompanying Communities in Crisis.

PWRDF support development programs to include:

- support for maternal, newborn and child health in Africa and Canadian Indigenous communities by purchasing medical equipment for health clinics and maternity wards, construct and refurbish health clinics and nurses’ houses;

- provide Canadian Indigenous communities with midwifery services that are culturally relevant and responsive to their needs and suggestions. It will organize community meetings with the National Aboriginal Council of Midwives and other Indigenous groups in Canada, Mexico and Peru to develop a midwifery curriculum that is sensitive to the needs of Inuit, First Nations and Metis women.

- support Indigenous people by recovering and preserving traditional ways for the next generation; and human rights workers documenting abuses;

- provide a source of potable drinking water to Pikangikum community (Canada) where 90% of homes do not have water or waste-water services. Inadequate and decrepit wooden outhouses are used by most residents. Most of the present homes do not have the space or the structural integrity to support bathroom facilities.

- equipping the homes with a cistern to hold the water and a wastewater holding tank, as well as the necessary fixtures and fittings;

- construct wells to provide clean water to communities affected by water-borne diseases;

- support farmer using traditional and innovative agricultural methods to improve their access to a secure food source;

- help young people by using peer education for HIV/AIDS prevention;


Keep up with the Parish News...Join our parish e-mail group by contacting Rev. Brieanna Andrews at 826-2151 or write your name and email address on one of our pew cards and place it in the offering plate, or leave it with a greeter.