Do you want to make a difference? The work of our Parish Council is important to sustain the ministries of our churches and to meet the day to day commitments. You can take an active role in developing a strategy for our ongoing ministries and future growth. Please chat/e-mail with Rev Brieanna if you would like to be a part of the team working together for God’s mission. Rev Brieanna: p.frenchvillage@ns.sympatico.ca;
The Lions Club is happy to accept donations of used eye glasses and hearing aids. Please bring them along to church to be collected later, it would be greatly appreciated. SMB Lions Club have the following equipment available for loan, free of charge, to members of the community: Chair Lifts, Wheelchairs, Hospital Beds, Walkers, Crutches, Canes, Bath/Shower chair accessories. Anyone requiring any of this equipment should contact: Lion Leonard Bugbee (902-823-3001)
Anyone wishing to be a reader and/or greeter is asked to contact Janet at champnissjanet1@gmail.com or 902-826-2251
PWRDF is active in 26 countries, with 59 partners drawn from Anglican churches, ecumenical organizations, and community-based groups. PWRDF supports people-centered development that improves the quality of daily life for vulnerable populations, promotes self-reliance, and addresses root causes of poverty and injustice. Their work is bound together in three strategic themes: Weaving a Culture of Peace with Justice, building a Moral Economy and Accompanying Communities in Crisis.
PWRDF support development programs to include:
- support for maternal, newborn and child health in Africa and Canadian Indigenous communities by purchasing medical equipment for health clinics and maternity wards, construct and refurbish health clinics and nurses’ houses;
- provide Canadian Indigenous communities with midwifery services that are culturally relevant and responsive to their needs and suggestions. It will organize community meetings with the National Aboriginal Council of Midwives and other Indigenous groups in Canada, Mexico and Peru to develop a midwifery curriculum that is sensitive to the needs of Inuit, First Nations and Metis women.
- support Indigenous people by recovering and preserving traditional ways for the next generation; and human rights workers documenting abuses;
- provide a source of potable drinking water to Pikangikum community (Canada) where 90% of homes do not have water or waste-water services. Inadequate and decrepit wooden outhouses are used by most residents. Most of the present homes do not have the space or the structural integrity to support bathroom facilities.
- equipping the homes with a cistern to hold the water and a wastewater holding tank, as well as the necessary fixtures and fittings;
- construct wells to provide clean water to communities affected by water-borne diseases;
- support farmer using traditional and innovative agricultural methods to improve their access to a secure food source;
- help young people by using peer education for HIV/AIDS prevention;
Keep up with the Parish News...Join our parish e-mail group by contacting Rev. Brieanna Andrews at 826-2151 or write your name and email address on one of our pew cards and place it in the offering plate, or leave it with a greeter.