Our Churches By the Sea

 worship services this week................

Sunday March 2nd

St. Margret’s, Tantallon

10:00am BAS Eucharist

Service will be followed by the burning of palms (branches and crosses)

Ash Wednesday, March 5th

11am  BCP Penetential Service with Imposition of Ashes

St Margaret’s, Tantallon

Rev Jerry Cavanaugh officiating

7pm BAS Ash Wednesday service with Eucharist

St James, Boutilier’s Point

Parish Weekly Worship Times

10 a.m. 1st and 3rd Sunday - St. Margaret's
              2nd Sunday - St. James'
             4th Sunday -St. George's

Worship on Wednesdays at St. Margaret's 11 a.m.

Archdeacon Brieanna Andrews

Contact me at 902-826-2154 or  External link opens in new tab or windowp.frenchvillage@ns.sympatico.ca