The Parish of French Village is involved in a number of outreach initiatives both in our community and in the rest of the world. Some of the ways we engage with the broader community include:

Neighbourhood Soup Servants

A small group of parishioners and friends have been getting together to make soup and build a fellowship. The soup is then delivered to neighbours who may be lonely, sick or experiencing other issues or just a welcome to newcomers. It is also a chance for a short visit or just a brief chat at the door.

For info or to sign up to help, contace Janet at 902-826-2251 or Mary at 902-826-2847. We also welcome the names of people who could benefit from this program.

St. Margaret's Bay Foodbank

We organized the Harvest Time BBQ Celebration fundraiser for the foodbank in September 2022 and raised $1000 plus a trailer full of food for our local foodbank.
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The Marguerite Centre

Once a month we gather with members of St Luke’s United Church to provide a day of activities and lunch for the women living at the Marguerite Centre, a home for women recovering from addictions
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The Helm Centre

The funds from this year’s Easter Memorials have been designated to help the Helm Centre in Glen Haven, a one-year faith based addictions recovery program. “With the rising costs of food and since we are on a small farm, we are doing an agricultural expansion which will include an enclosure, a concrete pad, fencing and some pigs for meat. That’s a fun little project that the guys would like to get started on this spring."

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Home heating fund 

We contribute financially to assist those in need in heating their homes


Christmas families

 We partner with local community organizations to endure famiies in the area have a joy-filled Christmas by providing food, gifts and other requested items. 



Mission to Seafarers Christmas Shoebox Campaign

 Every Christmas we fill shoeboxes with items such as toiletries, warm hats, socks and mitts, activity books, and candy for the seafarers 

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Pop Can Tabs

 You can help purchase a Wheel Chair for a Veteran by bringing Pop Can Tabs (or tabs from other containers) tabs to Saint George’s Church and place them in the labled container in the vestibule.


The Lions Club

The Lions Club is happy to accept donations of used eye glasses and hearing aids. Please bring them along to church to be collected later. SMB Lions Club have the following equipment available for loan, free of charge, to members of the community: Chair Lifts, Wheelchairs, Hospital Beds, Walkers, Crutches, Canes, Bath/Shower chair accessories.

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White Ribbon Campaign

The distribution of white ribbons along with the White Ribbon pledge is a campaign to bring an end to gender-based violence through awareness and commitment. It is a worldwide male-led campaign which began in Canada.External link opens in new tab or window


Silent Witness Nova Scotia

We support the Silent Witness Program of Nova Scotia. The program helps prevent and bring awareness to gender based and domestic violence through the use of life size red silhouettes of women murdered by their spouse or significant partner. The silhouettes have been featured at gender-based violence awareness vigils and walks held in our community.

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Primates World Relief and Development Fund 

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 Support for Ukraine

We promoted the collection of priority items and donations for the people of Ukraine when their country was invaded in 2022.


Refugees and newcomers to Nova Scotia 

We support refugees and newcomers in our community by providing accommodation, food, household items, companionship and assistance with settling into their new home.