Donna Pulsifer and her email is External link opens in new tab or


Pre-authorized Remittance (PAR)

What is PAR?

  Pre-authorized remittance (PAR) is a method whereby your financial contribution is sent to the church via automatic debit from your bank on a monthly basis instead of weekly collection plate contribution at services.

Why should I donate by the PAR method?- Because I care

             I care about my church family:
                    • Nurturing our congregation
                    • Supporting our church home
                    • Teaching our children and young people about Christ
            I care about my community:
                     • Through the mission and outreach of our congregation

"Whether or not I am there, my church has ongoing commitments every week that need my offering.
My church is important to me and so is my financial commitment to its work. That is why I use the Diocesan PAR Program to fulfill that commitment.”

How it works

     1. Decide the amount of your monthly offering. (If you usually give a certain amount weekly, remember that there are 4.4 weeks in a month, not four.)

A Monthly Givings Calculator is located below to help you

    2. Complete the PAR Authorization Form (link below) and attach a “Void” cheque or a bank authorization letter

    3. Drop in the offering plate, give to your church treasurer, or mail directly to the Diocesan Administrator
Debits will appear as “Donations Diocesan Synod” on your bank statement on the date you select.

     Monthly Givings Calculator

Weekly             Monthly
Amount            Amount
   $10                    $44
   $15                    $66
   $20                   $88
   $25                   $110
   $30                   $132
   $35                   $154   
   $40                   $176

Parish Treasurer

Dorothy Dauphinee 902 826-2305

Church Treasurers

St. George's ..........Janet Champniss 902 826-2251
St. James' ..............Donna Pulsifer  External link opens in new tab or
St. Margaret's .....Kurtis Langille 902 497-4668
St. Paul's ................Dorothy dauphinee 902-826-2305

The Diocese of Nova Scotia
& Prince Edward Island
Attention: Tammy Cummins
1340 Cathedral Lane, Halifax, N.S.
B3H 2Z1

PAR form

PAR form