The Parish of French Village has an active branch of the Mothers’ Union - a part of a worldwide organization with over 4 million members in 83 countries.  The branches in Canada are spread across the country with Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island being particularly active. The Mothers’ Union aims to demonstrate Christian Faith in action by the transformation of communities worldwide through the nurture of the family in its many forms.  We have taken many tacks to reach this aim, including workshops about domestic violence, supporting clergy families in the North, educational outreach concerning life with disabilities, bible studies, supporting Mothers’ Union work around the world. Two of our current activities involve assisting Reverend Brieanna in the Messy Church initiative and partnering with St Luke’s United Church to provide monthly programs for the women of the Marguerite Center.  New members from all types of families are always welcome.
For more information about Mothers’ Union visit our Canadian website :
External link opens in new tab or windowHTTP://CANADIANMOTHERSUNION.CA/
 Co-branch leaders: Debbie Boutilier.826-7747...Janet Champniss 826-2251