St. George's ACW

St. George's Anglican Church, ACW, Head of St. Margaret's Bay.  St. George's ACW purpose is to unite women in fellowship and worship, to help our church, our local community and world-wide communities.  ACW membership consists of 7 active members, meetings are conducted on the first Tuesday of each month from September to June. We open and close  meetings in prayer. We support our church in numerous ways by fundraising  two church suppers during the months of May and November, in addition to  caterings receptions and funerals.   Recenlty we have  provided funds for kitchen/hall electrical upgrades, and  purchase of hall floor coverings,       We support our Sunday School by purchasing supplies including  bibles and  provide  gifts  for  the White Gift Program for the less fortunate children..  Many seniors are remembered throughout the year with visits, soups, flowers, cards and at Christmas time with fruit baskets. Some of our members are active in the Altar Guild responsibible for  the preparation of the Sanctuary and Altar for  Communion  Church Services, weddings, baptisms and funerals and care of the Altar linens  hangings,  and flowers.   We support our community with a number of activities including a  visit to Shoreham Village Retirement  Centre in Chester during the month of September to celebrate senior's birthdays with music, sing song and gift filled bags with useful items. We make donations to the local food bank and other organizations  such as , Bonnie Lee Farms, Blankets for Canada, Street Connections,  and   Christmas boxes to Mission to Seafarers, We remember our Veterans and members of the Armed Forces who have passed on by attending the Cenotaph Service held on Remembrance Day. Worldwide  we make donations  to  organizations such as Feed the Children program in Haiti. Yearly we make a donation to The Primate's World Relief and Developement Fund in addition to  hosting a Soup Sunday chaired and supported by  members from the parish.  Our members  actively participate in World Day of Prayer and support it with a monetary donation

In 2013 preparations are underway for hosting the St. Margaret's/Lunenburg region ACW Annual General Meeting in October in conjunction with St. James Church.

Contact - Donzella B-Allison – 902-826-2955


St. James ACW

was established in 1927.  At first it was the Women’s Auxiliary later to be changed to the Guild and finally in the 70’s as the ACW which is an acronym for Anglican Church Women. At times throughout history there were as many as 40 plus members, often three generations from one family.  It was common place to arrive at meetings with Mother and Grandmother in tow.  At present there are twelve members.  Seven of those are honorary lifetime members and many have over 50 years of service.  Although times and traditions change, the ACW fellowship and purpose remain very much the same as it has for years.  These ladies are as focused now as they have always been. Their mission of raising and generously contributing over $4,000.00 annually is essential for St. James to meet their fiscal obligations to the diocese, church and outreach projects.  Making preemie burial gowns for the IWK Health Center is a very special project they are involved in. They send gifts to elderly and shut-ins, sponsor a Foster child, donate annually to Bonny-Lea Farm & Children’s Wish Foundation.  A wreath is laid at the Seabright Legion Cenotaph on Remembrance Day on behalf of the ACW.  The ladies also look after the daily operating necessities at the church and have recently purchased a vacuum cleaner and reframed a painting. Through their hard work and dedication, St. James continues to be a pillar of the community of Boutilier’s Pt. Monthly meetings are held from April-June & Sept.-Dec. at the home of Barb McEachern.  The meetings are heartwarming and purpose filled. We love to welcome new members and invite you to step on our “welcome mat”.  Simply call Louise Christie at 902-826-2004 if you would like to join us. Hand in hand with the ACW is St. James Altar Guild.  Often referred to as our “Beautiful Ministry”, the church is made ready for seasons and services at St. James by a dedicated group of individuals.  If you would like to learn, serve and take part please call Janice Jackson at 902-826-7165.  St. Margaret's.- Daisy Dauphinee - 902-826-2882.